Tim sang “I Believe in You and Me” as his bride walked down the aisle with her dad. Tim Bowman on his instagram page shared a video saying: “I tried my hardest to make it through this song without crying! Lol Well I failed, but what came out was from my heart straight to my wife!! Still just humbled and grateful that people came out to celebrate w/ us!"
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Meet The Bowmans...Bride presents Dad a Purity Certificate
Tim sang “I Believe in You and Me” as his bride walked down the aisle with her dad. Tim Bowman on his instagram page shared a video saying: “I tried my hardest to make it through this song without crying! Lol Well I failed, but what came out was from my heart straight to my wife!! Still just humbled and grateful that people came out to celebrate w/ us!"
Friday, 30 October 2015
Can You Pay The Price?
Chapter 1: Lady Of Reckless Abandonment
Colossians 2:9-10Amplified Bible (AMP)
"For in Him all the fullness of Deity (the Godhead) dwells in bodily form [completely expressing the divine essence of God]. And in Him you have been made complete [achieving spiritual stature through Christ], and He is the head over all rule and authority [of every angelic and earthly power].
Also see Psalm73:28a....
Becoming a Lady in Waiting begins with reckless abandonment to Jesus. the strength and discipline necessary to be a Lady of Diligence, Faith, Virtue, Devotion, Purity, Security, Contentment, Conviction, and Patience is discovered in the radical way of relating to our heavenly Bridegroom.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
The New Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr Right~~By Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones~~Review
What makes you a wife material?
Have you ever wondered what guys are looking for in a wife?
Or maybe you’re a man, and you’ve dated a few women, but never felt like someone was “marriage material”. I think you may find this piece helpful.
John Fileta points out three traits she found in his wife Debra that won his heart.
Compassion: Nothing melts a man’s heart more than a woman who exudes love and compassion for others. According to John, first weekend met his wife Deb, the one thing that stuck out to him was how big her heart was. (Though he thought she was unbelievably gorgeous, which is also a plus…). She wasn’t just talking the talk, she was living it out.
The reason compassion is so attractive to a man, is because true compassion stems directly from the heart of Christ. When God’s love fills a person, that love begins to overflow into all areas of their life and impact those around them. Compassion was something that stood out to John in his wife-to-be, because it wasn’t a love that was being given in order to receive, it was a supernatural love that was being given freely because of what Jesus had done in her life. That, in and of itself, spoke volumes to the kind of wife she would one day be.
Direction: We’re all traveling through the journey of life, and it’s our hope that one day someone will be journeying by our side. But the thing is, the person who ends up next to you has a huge impact on the direction your life will take. A key quality to being marriage material is a woman who has direction.
Direction doesn’t necessarily mean that she is going to be a neurosurgeon or big-shot attorney, and isn’t synonymous with how much money she is going to make or how successful she will be. Direction is when a person realizes their God-given talent and purpose in life and begins to run in that direction with all their heart. When He met Deb, she was in graduate school for counseling. He knew almost nothing about the field. But as she talked about it, He could see the excitement and passion in her eyes. He has so much respect and appreciation for what she does because he's seen the huge impact she makes one life at a time.
The important thing to note about direction is that it goes above and beyond your career. It’s about understanding what God has gifted you to do, and then doing it well: whether that be your career, your ministry, or your relationships.
Confidence: There is nothing more attractive than a woman who is secure in who she is and knows her value. I think one of the biggest problems today facing women is an identity crisis perpetuated by the media, movies, and the entire entertainment industry. But the most beautiful thing a woman can be is wrapped up in the understanding of her intrinsic value, a God-given value that can’t be taken away. There is something undeniably attractive about that, because let’s be honest, it’s rare. All these photo-shopped images of women that we see all around us are actually so far removed from the very things that a GODLY man finds attractive. It’s my hope that more and more women would realize that they are beautiful simply because they are made in God’s image: mind, body, and spirit- and then begin to live out that beauty.
Side note to the men: Don’t fall into the lies of pornography, or thinking that a woman is beautiful simply because she falls under the standards of society. That beauty is truly only skin deep, and won’t survive a life-time of ups and downs in marriage and raising children.
The first time John actually met Deb, He thought she was one of the most beautiful women He had ever met and was undeniably attracted to her. But though her external beauty caught his eye, it was her internal beauty and identity in Christ that won his heart. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised….”
To all of you men looking for a woman who is marriage material, or for the women who are trying to become it – remember this: becoming marriage material is so much more than simply trying to get married. Ultimately, it’s about becoming all that God has called you to be.
Article from TrueLoveDates..
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Emotional Sex2...(Know When To Open Up & When Not To)
Dating is such a special time. It’s a time to really get to know someone and invest in who they are. It’s a time to let your guard down a little at a time and begin to share the truths of who you are.
Friday, 23 October 2015
Waiting on God?
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Living Free....
Freedom from sin does not equal a perfect record, I’m coming to understand.
I’m going on 2years of being on the run from sexual immorality. When I say that I mean that I’ve been free from past habits that I’d been trapped in for the majority of my life. I’ve had one major hiccup & two over the board acts. One when I got closer to an old friend and the other when I started liking some good guy..someone I should have turned away from. Everything happened at a time when i was starving my inner man.
What am I doing? I thought, Am I really going to step back into this when I’ve been so wonderfully out for so long?
Here’s where I saw the freedom: I wouldn't let either of those failings drag me back into the usual cycle. I know where i'm coming from and it's not a very pleasant lifestyle.
On a good day, my failing or allow me to say my falling would have triggered my surrender to my flesh, and to the idea that I can’t ever get it right and be free from lust. I remember sending a message to my friend saying "maybe i'm not a good girl afterall" I almost gave up and and the whole process would begin anew.
Why? Because I believed that if I can’t do it perfectly, if I mess up once then I’ve ruined the purity streak and might as well indulge.
Now I see that even though I’ve messed up twice or more I’m still living in freedom. I wouldn't let those failures get in the way of saying no now. It’s not about keeping a perfect record. It’s about choosing grace this very moment.
I say no to the cycle. It doesn’t line up with the Gospel, or with God’s grace. What I’ve got now is much better and it’s truth. If I stumble it doesn’t send me back to the starting line, so I shouldn’t immediately go back to it. I should get up, right where I am and press on toward the prize.
Also, I want to say to those who are also struggling. I’m still tempted, but honestly the less you indulge the easier it gets and the less frequent the temptation. A HUGE part of this is saying no to watching or listening to things that make your mind want to go there. Avoid perversive conversations...yea..we are saved but sometimes we get carried away and we start to discuss things that are not edifying with the opposite sex or maybe fridnds.
Like, last night I said I didn’t want to watch a certain movie because I knew there was sex in it though I couldn’t remember how much. If I’d seen it I knew it would make the temptation to fantasize more difficult so I said no.
keep going! Abstaining gets easier with time! As long as you remember that it's about honoring God with your body.
Smile...Jesus Loves you
No Man Can Make You Happy
Pursue Joy
Take Responsibility for Your Own Happiness
Deal with Sin
Oye (DivineDiva)