Saturday 13 February 2016

Though It May Tarry....Part1

Hello Readers,

It's the season of love and  the "though it may tarry" series on the blog will be running for one week.
This series is specially aimed at encouraging anyone that has given up on true love.
I haven't found love yet but i'm hopeful that it will come even though it tarries...
Ladies, there are some good men out there and of course to the gents, there are loads of awesome ladies out there.
Please enjoy our first love story...


"When God brings your mate, it is a COMPLETE PACKAGE!!!!"

Every instruction in the bible by God was designed for our benefit if only we trust Him enough to adhere to it.

He said "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added unto you". Oh yes!!! I can boldly say that this found fulfillment in my life.

I met my Yodeh(as I fondly call him ) when I was not particularly keen about being in a relationship.

Shortly before I met him, I was at a challenging phase in my life and rather than allow the wallowing away in pity & depression, I held on to God's promises and continually served Him faithfully (thank God for a Christian home)

Guess what ''Oba Ara'' (meaning Ling of Wonders i.e God) did, He did not only resolve my deepest worries, He gave me all good-things and still blessed me with this TALL, DARK and HANDSOME man ( you know the ideal man qualities in mills and boons "wink") that loves God so much.

He gave me peace in human form and I recall hearing this voice that said to me on several occasions ''I have given you peace round about'' when I met Mr. Yodeh. And gratefully, that's all I have experienced since I met him.

Oh my Yodeh looks at me and reminds me of how beautiful I look; sometimes I assume he exaggerates alot lol. 
But anyways I choose to believe him because of the saying that goes "you are not beautiful until you believe you are. So me sef have been feeling like a fine geh since we met. Lol

He looks at challenges and makes them look like nothing constantly reminding me of God's Word in every situation.

What a great joy to have a man who not only prays for me, intercedes on my behalf and even sow seeds for me.

Indeed, i feel REST because even through challenging times, we have God on our side to see us through.

I know I deserve the best but Mr. Yodeh simply blows my mind away over and over again, God certainly went over and above to give me a man like him.

I have forgotten about my pains, I have forgotten about the heartaches simply because I sought the face of God.

This little piece is to encourage every lady out there that feels the sense of neglect is a norm or that thinks there is no good man out there. You are God's masterpiece and His plan is to give you nothing but the best if only you will seek first His kingdom.

Don't settle for less, believe in yourself and know you are to be celebrated and not tolerated. Stop helping God !!

In conclusion, I consider it necessary to remind my pastor, my best friend (Mr Yodeh) how much I love him. You know how difficult finding an undefiled man could be...*wink*

Thank you for the many sacrifice and giving love a new definition.

We found love through His word and that's why He is the foundation of this beautiful beginning.

Chai love has made me romantic oooo😎🙈😘l

Happy Valentine's day

Oye Ajakaiye

Not Letting You Go..

The whole focus and course of a life is changed both by marriage and a personal experience with Jesus Christ. Marriage (1Co 7:3) and becoming a child of God (Mk 8:34; 1Co 6:20; 7:23) both demand death to self and accountability to God and to others. A wife or husband cannot be faithful to more than one partner, as a Christian cannot serve any other God (Mt 6:24). Believers should have no hesitation in giving themselves in totality to God because of the high price he paid for them (1Pe 1:18–19). God has given all he has to give; he now expects our all in response (Ro 12:1–2).

In marriage two hearts are grafted together, making them dependent on one another for life. This is depicted in John 15, with Jesus as the vine and believers the branches. Through the infilling of the Holy Spirit and his control in the life of both partners, this picture of marriage and the parallel relationship of Christ and his bride come into focus. The Holy Spirit fills and fulfills both.

From: MMM

Sunday 24 January 2016

Women Need to Stop Asking What Men Want

Isn't it funny that there are women from all different parts of the world typing this questions into Google, wondering what men want– desperately trying to get into their brains.

We long to be seen, and to be known.  We long for someone to tell us that we’re important, that we mean something. 

I remember many points in my life, stepping out into the world hoping for one thing: to be noticed by the opposite sex.  It’s was as though their noticing would give me some sense of validity, some sense of meaning, some sense of purpose.

Often times, it’s those very longings that lead us into the arms of a relationship especially the wrong ones, because we don’t know where else to turn.  It’s those very moments that create women who are hungry to know–not who they are, but what men want them to be. We need to understand that we were not created to "satisfy" but to "complete."

I empathize with women who are living their lives for the validation of the men around them.  I empathize, because as a woman, there have been moments in my life that I’ve been there too....:

Sometimes, we can search so hard for love that we lose ourselves in the process.  Sometimes, we can get so caught up with looking out, that we forget to look in.

More than anything, being empowered women means that we learn who we are standing alone.  A woman who knows herself and understands her God-given identity has no need to be defined by the men in her life or the relationship she finds herself in, because her worth is rooted in something far more noble and far more valuable.

Maybe it’s time we stop asking what men want from us, and learn to answer the question of what God wants from us, and begin to discover who we are and what we want for ourselves.

What do you want? When you discover who you are, know what you stand for and understand the reason for your existence, you will stop trying to figure out what men want.

It’s time to contribute to a new culture, creating a trend of women who are freed to experience and engage in  love: a love that starts from the inside out.


Thursday 21 January 2016

Communication Is Important..

COMMUNICATION is one of most influential component to a relationship?

Communication is the lifeline of a relationship..

Couples who know how to communicate well are the couples who end up together for life, because communication keeps you connected. Do you know that there are marriage rehabilitation programs solely dedicated to teaching the art of communication. Yes! Its that important!

When you look at a typical relationship, it isn’t uncommon to find two very different types of people coming together. Usually, one is a talker, and the other is not. 

But communication is less about how much you talk, and more about what you have to say when you do.

In dating, look for the qualities of a good communicator. Here are ten basic traits of a good communicator: 

  1. • Someone who doesn’t just hear but LISTENS…remembering what you have shared with them. 

  2. • Someone who knows how to relate to what you are saying. 

  3. • Someone who knows how to share things from the basic facts of their day, to their opinions and ideas, to the way that they feel. 

  4. • Someone who can articulate their feelings without displaying anger: such as frustration, stress, and disappointments.

  5. • Someone who is available to communicate, and responds positively to your requests to “talk through” something. 

  6. • Someone who knows the importance of working through problems using words, rather than just moving on and pretending like nothing happened. 

  7. • Someone who clues you into their internal world by using their words to share what they are thinking. 

  8. • Someone who understands that their words have the power to build up, or destroy, and uses them wisely. 

  9. • Someone who knows how to apologize when they’ve been wrong and can verbally acknowledge their responsibility in a given situation.

  10. • Someone who asks questions, and wants to know more.

A good communicator is someone who invites you into their world, using words. 

And a good marriage is made up of two people who know how to share their hearts, their minds, and their lives.  It’s made up of two people, continuously inviting each other into their respective worlds. The good, the bad, and the ugly. 

Every. Single. Day. 

As you’re looking for this kind of communication to play out in your relationship, it’s important to ask yourself if this is the kind of communicator that you are. Because you are 50% of the equation, yet the most important piece to the puzzle of finding love. 

So marry someone who knows how to communicate, but first and foremost, become that kind of person yourself.

Curled drom: TLD



Too many young women have met the “man of their dreams”.

You meet him on your way home from work one day, you get to know one another better for a few more days and jackpot! "He becomes the man of OUR dream." We have to be the funniest creatures on earth....the next thing you hear is

“He’s absolutely amazing. He’s everything I’ve ever prayed for.”

We move on from describing how charming, kind, sweet, and romantic he is to how he claimed to have a relationship with God, and he's willing to do anything to make this relationship work.

let’s get real, people: “Absolutely amazing” isn’t a trait that’s revealed overnight, it takes months – and years- of time witnessing someone’s life to know what they’re really made of.

When it comes to relationships, time is one of the greatest gifts you have.

FOCUS ON FRIENDSHIP Focusing on friendship first, in my opinion, is the best way to take things slow and to keep the relationship from going too fast or to prevent rushing into a romantic relationship. Ladies, it's important to build the friendship before getting too deep in.

You may be single, and feeling like the single-life has lasted an eternity. Time may be the LAST thing you want to hear about. You’re sick of waiting, and grieving every moment that has passed you by. You may be tempted to rush into a relationship with someone you don’t know that well, or commit to someone to whom you have some fears and hesitation.

But the truth is:

You'll hardly Find someone who REGRETS taking her time to get in a relationship; people only regret RUSHING into the wrong ones.  And that’s no small mistake, because it will cost you everything.

You don't want to spend your life regretting! It will hurt you badly when you start seeing the true colors of your "absolutely amazing" boyfriend. But at that point, you may feel like you've invested too much of your life/time to simply walk away, and so you endure, and try to make it work. If you agree with me, this can be avoided.

Allow time to reveal to you what your significant other, and what your relationship, is really made of.

And until then, TAKE the time to become the best version of yourself so that you can be ready when the right relationship, and the right timing, comes along. healthy relationships ALWAYS begin with healthy people. 


Tuesday 12 January 2016

How Do I Distract Myself From Sexual Urges?

Are sexual urges normal? Yes! Is sex a sin? No! But Why do we even want to fight for sexual purity when our desires seem so natural and good—and often feel too powerful to control? Because we know Jesus is better than Sex. Yes sex is amazing But it's nothing compared to the infinite pleasures we have in God.

God created sex, then told us to enjoy it only within the context of marriage between a man and a woman; so if He has us wait an excruciatingly long time for it, He is (mercifully) teaching us to meet our very deepest desires in Him alone. This easy to say but very hard to live....

However, we can have a smooth purity ride if we put a lot of things in place. We need to first of all realize that we can't do this purity thing on our own. We can't even boast of our own strength otherwise would have lost the battle a long time ago ( you don't want to learn from experience).

Focus on God's promises not your passions. Somedays, the flesh feels too strong to fight, we want to give in so bad but the truth is we put ourselves in that position. Nobody wakes up and just feel like sex...we must have been nursing some unhealthy thoughts. It could be getting involved in a sexual conversation with the opposite gender, listening to some mushy songs or the movies we question is "what are you feeding your mind?"

Don't flirt with the devil when you can resist him. A couple of times i've thought about giving up, i've cried out of sexual frustration but then knowing where i'm coming from, i will rather do it God's way.

This is one area most Christian singles are struggling with. I shared this in a group and i got the tip below!

"Sexual urges is a natural phenomenon. It could be triggered by Hormonal imbalances for example a woman on her menstral cycle. It comes natural. It could be also be triggered by things we expose ourselves to i.e. sexual videos or anything that could stimulate our sexual desires. The urges can't be avoided but shouldn't be fed upon i.e focusing our attention on it. And one thing is that it's only the grace of God that helps and the love we have for God which has to be a constant reminder that will help a single Christian avoid not falling for their sexual desires."

How do you control your sexual desires as a christian single BUT most importantly what are you feeding your mind?

We will love to read from you..

Welcome to 2016

I pray that 2016 will be a great year for us in Jesus name.
All things will work together for our good.
We will not lack, our needs will be met.
Our steps will be ordered and our Faith will wax stronger because we have received the grace to run the race...
