Thursday, 29 October 2015

The New Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr Right~~By Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones~~Review

Lady in Waiting is an exciting way to enhance your personal life and enrich your spiritual journey...

I love reading and there's no way i would turn down a good book but when i got to Laterna Ventures (bookstore) and a friend offered to buy this book for me, i said "No, i'm tired of reading books for single ladies,i don't plan to remain single"..she just wouldn't let me rest and said i needed to read it not just for me but my ministry "TheDivineDivas"....i decided to instead stock a few copies and sell which i eventually did but what made me keep a copy for myself was the high rate in demand. I had people commenting on my instagram page (@iamdivinediva1) and they said it wasn't just a good read, a life changing one. 
    I was wrong.."Lady in Waiting" isn't just a book for singles but every woman that thinks having a man by her sideis the   ultimate goal.

As a Christian single lady, waiting for Mr. Right can be one of the most difficult situations we face. The book is filled With humor, honesty, and biblical truths, It will help you fill the time by becoming the right woman while you wait for the right man. By studying the biblical character Ruth, you'll learn the characteristics that every woman of God should develop. This expanded edition of the original best-seller includes a personal journal and study guide.
 Lady in Waiting is a remarkable book with powerful insights that will touch every woman's heart. It focuses on putting God first in one's life. Lady in Waiting is designed for any age as it accurately examines concerns and problems women face in today's society.
 I will be reviewing each chapters on the blog!
If you have read and would like to review a chapter please send me an email

Stay glued....❤️❤️

1 comment:

  1. Hi Oye,

    This is the start of a good day and I hope you enjoy the moments it brings. To be honest, your philosophy is inspiring and I feel targeting it at teenage boys and girls will be most productive. In addition, I admire the fact that you are very open about your philosophy on social media. I wish I could be that open.

    I strongly believe that it's essential that people should live in obedience to God's commands. Unfortunately, the sex-related commands are about the most difficult to keep. For me, it's been grace that kept me (sometimes I like to say humorously that it's been a lack of opportunity).

    Bottom line is it's great to have people like you around.

    Enjoy the day.
