Ms. Barbie Girl
You know exactly who I’m talking about, don’t you? This is the girl
that’s “too-perfect-to-be-real”, and that’s because she probably isn’t.
If you don’t recognize her by her “augmentations” you might recognize
her by the fact it takes her 3 hours to get ready, the ridiculous amount
of time she spends looking in the mirror, the 5 inches of make-up on
her face (and maybe even body…), or the way that she has to look “just
perfect” in order to go anywhere or do anything, including a trip to the
gym, or a run to the grocery store. I’m all for a woman looking
presentable, and I am a fan of my makeup, but let’s remember that true
beauty never starts on the outside, it always runs so much deeper. Be on
the lookout for THAT kind of unfading beauty.
Ms. Flirtatious
This one right here will win you over with her seductive glances and
her flattering words. But the problem you’ll start noticing is that her
flirting isn’t contained to just you. The glances she gives your waiter,
the way talks to your roommate, or the way she giggles flirtatiously at
your best friends jokes. It’s one thing to be flirtatious as an avenue
of affection within a relationship, it’s a whole other thing when you’re
marked by your flirtatious way. Recognize this one quickly, because
what you see here is what you’ll get.
Ms. I’m Sexy and I Know It
It’s great to have self-confidence as a woman, but that’s not what
I’m talking about here. In fact, this woman often feels so insecure
about herself, that she uses her body to gain affirmation from men. In
other words, she flaunts her stuff to anyone who’s willing to look.
While her seduction might draw you like a magnet, you’ll quickly realize
that it’s also drawing everyone else, too. And one thing I’ve learned
from my husband about men, is that one of the most attractive things
about a relationship with a woman is the exclusivity of that woman being
“only his”. So find a woman that shows she’s “all yours” by respecting
her body and reserving it for the proper time.
Ms. Nothin’ In There But Air
One of the most beautiful things about the early stages of
relationship is the mystery involved. Little by little you get to know
one layer at a time, revealing heart, mind, soul and spirit. But as you
peel back the layers of this particular woman, you’ll realize that…there
isn’t too much there! This is the kind of woman who hasn’t really taken
the time to know herself, know her beliefs, or know what she feels or
thinks. She’ll likely default to your preferences, your beliefs, your
relationship with God, and even your interests. While this may seem to
make life easy at first, the lack of mystery and depth will wear you
down, because a healthy relationship involves two unique identities- not
just one trying to mimic the other.
Ms. Gold-Digger
She loves your car, she loves your career, and she loves your cash.
But does she really like you? You’ll recognize this one quickly, because
she’ll take all she can get from you, and give very little back in
return. She’s looking for security more than she’s looking for a
significant relationship. Say bye-bye before your cash runs out.
Ms. Overly Critical
I think this is the worst of all the women you could date. According
to proverbs, a woman like this is like the sound of a leak
dripping: constant, annoying, and problematic!! And just like a leak,
this woman will DRAIN you, and leave you questioning your value, your
significance, and your worth. You’ll never feel appreciated under the
constant cloud of criticism. First, see the good in yourself, and then find a woman who can do the same.
Ms. Bossy-Pants
This one will micromanage your entire life. She’ll have an opinion
about how you should spend your money, chew your food, iron your
clothes, and maybe even how you should change your personality. The
thing about this woman is that she’s a control-freak. And one thing I
know about control freaks is that deep down, they feel like they have no
control in some area of their life, and so they take it out on their
relationships. This habit is not one you can “out learn”, in fact, it
takes a lot of time, introspection, and work. So step away from this
relationship, and give her the time she needs to heal, to learn, and to
Ms. Wishy-Washy
A woman like this will take your heart on quite a ride, because she
doesn’t really know what she wants. One moment she’s into you, and the
other moment she’s confused and wants to take a step back. This internal
struggle is not going to be resolved anytime soon, so do yourself a
favor and find someone who’s just as into you as you are into them. Healthy relationships are marked by peace, not by constant doubt and regret.
Ms. One-Way-Street
This princess thinks that somehow, relationships are all-about-her.
She may even wrongly believe this is a “biblical” approach to
relationships. In other words- she expects you to do all the work, and
to put in all the effort while she sits back and reaps the rewards. The
sad part is that sometimes this mentality is wrongly perpetuated in some
church circles, as the men are expected to be the “leaders” while the
women are the “followers”. That might work for some guys, but for
others, this lack of reciprocity in a relationship eventually becomes
draining. You need a woman who will pour into you, as much as you pour
into her. Who will sharpen you, as you sharpen her. Who will challenge
you to become better, while you do the same for her. The best relationships are made of two people- each giving their best to one another.
Ms. Drama-Drama-Drama
Drama with her momma, drama with her best friend, drama with her boss
at work. This gal is characterized by drama everywhere she goes, and
she tells you all about it. But the drama isn’t necessarily the
dangerous part in this kind of woman, it’s the underlying belief that
it’s always everyone else’s fault. This woman is to be avoided because
she doesn’t understand the meaning of taking ownership and
responsibility of her life and relationships. And trust me, that
blame-game will quickly become a part of your relationship, too.With that in mind, let’s all be mindful of the reality that relationships aren’t about finding perfection– we all know that doesn’t exist. But they are about finding imperfect people, who realize their flaws and weaknesses, and are working to become better and better with each and every passing day.
You are the only one responsible for the kind of person you date.