I am a woman in my late-20s, hoping to be married someday. I love and follow God to the best of my ability. I grew up in a Christian home; however, during high school days i got really adventurous and my University days extremely wild. I loved partying, drinking and i didn't exclude having sex.
Even though i knew i wanted more of commitment than sex in my relationship, i couldn't help settling for less.
I spent a lot of time trying to convince every guy i met that i wasn't totally a bad girl and would take whatever they brought my way all in the name of "seeking acceptance"
After i dedicated my life to Christ , of course a lot changed and it has improved my perspective about relationships. I no longer worry about what some guy thinks of me. The most important thing to me now is getting it right with God.
I feel brand new and i think only God can give one that kind of confident. I know there are several Ladies out there struggling with this but I'm hoping after reading this post, you will realize you're not the problem but the man judging you is.
The problem with the guys who break up with you when they find out about your past is that they don’t understand the seriousness of sin. Not really. They would say they do and that’s why they can’t date you. But Scripture says they don’t, or they’d be humbled by the knowledge of how much they’ve been forgiven (Luke 7:47).
We all have pasts to be forgiven. Before trusting Jesus’ finished work on the cross, we all stand condemned before God (Romans 3:10). If you have truly repented and turned from your former sins; if you are “flee[ing] youthful passions and pursu[ing] righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart” (2 Timothy 2:22); if you are abiding in Christ and striving to be like Him in the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 1:16, 1:22), then a man who understands the Gospel will know that you are a sinner like himself, mercifully saved by grace to the praise of God’s glory. Though your past will undoubtedly be a grief to him and the specifics will be painful to hear, for a man who truly understands the Gospel, that you sinned when you were not faithfully following Christ will not be a surprise.
I believe there are godly single men who will forgive your past and look at you for who you really are: "the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus." Such a one will be the sort who understands the horror of his own sin and the infinite mercy he has received in Christ. He must be a man who is truly saved, one who understands the Gospel of GRACE.
I pray God will lead us to a man who, when he hears the horrors of our past, will in light of the glories of Christ's saving work, rejoice greatly in God, the God who transforms sinners.
curled from www.boundless.org
If you have a question you'd like us to consider for this blog, or a personal experience you'll like to share. please send it to oyeajakaiye@gmail.com
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