Monday, 20 April 2015

Unequally yoked ?

When you meet an incredibly good-looking guy/lady, you both feel the attraction building up but he/she is not SAVED and the bible has clearly stated that "we shouldn't be unequally yoked"....RED FLAG!
As a believer, you know there are somethings you need to leave behind and dating an unsaved person can cause you further distraction leading to stagnancy in your spiritual life. Well, i asked this question on my instagram page and i was able to get a few followers contribute...i hope this helps someone struggling with what they had to say below

@mojicoker: he can be good looking and everything , there might be some other form of attraction, but if he ain't saved then there'e no say, lol. Be not unequally yoked with an unbeliever, it's plainly stated. If he's a church goer that hasn't recieved Jesus as his Lord and Saviour there's still no point. For what as light got to do with darness. 
Don't think you will be changing him because that's not your place, only God can change a person but we deceive ourselves that we can. 
To avoid heartache, heartbreak and a distrusted destiny DO NOT COMPROMISE! God's word is enough..DO NOT BE UNEQUALLY YOKED with an UNBELIEVER. #Nuffsaid

@mzhotnfab: it's hard but you have to let go because in truth, he doesn't have the same PRINCIPLES and beliefs...except two WORK and WALK together.

do u see what i see? tell me
@bayobells: if sh's not saved, you're likely to be unsaved soon because you will struggle a great deal with moderation and values. Heaven ain't sure for the family..What's more fufilling tahn seeing every single member of your family in heaven.

@parcelmouth: I'm the wrongest to answer the question..why? because i don't get attracted to the unsaved being Christian is the first task force of attraction in my case

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Oye (DivineDiva)

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