Monday, 17 August 2015

When Will It Be My Turn?

Let’s be honest, There are times when our lives seem to be at a stand still. We set goals, but it seems as though we will never achieve them. We sit back and watch everyone around us continue to be blessed and gloat about their answered prayers and continuous flow of blessings. We’re genuinely happy for them,  but we can’t help but wonder “when will it be my turn?” It’s not that we actually believe that God is ignoring us. We believe that He hears us and that He will answer us in due time. It’s the “due time” that gets us in a frenzy when God’s timing is taking too long.
“I’ve been patiently waiting for my Boaz for a while now. When will love finally find me? Lord, I need you to move now!”
“I’ve been trying to have kids for a while now. What if I’m too old to have kids? What if I’m too old to enjoy my kids?  I need God to bless me with a child before I’m 35. Lord, I need you to move now!”
“I’ve been trying to get my career off the ground for a while now. When will I get my big break? When will doors start to open for me? Lord, I need you to move now!”
These are all concerns that may interrupt our day to day living. We’re so focused on “when” we never stop to ask “what“.
What is it God wants me to learn during this waiting period?
What can I do to prepare myself while I wait?
What does the bible say about patiently waiting on God?
For me… I was praying for a husband. So much that my world started to revolve around finding him. This lead to a few unhealthy relationships which I knew were going nowhere from the start. I was so impatient and didn’t want to wait on God, so I was determined to try to force each and every one of them work. But how many of us know that when God says no, the answer is no? There’s no debating or negotiating. He has the final say so. It took me a while to get this in my spirit, but boy when I did!!! 
Instead of asking God why? I had to stop and ask myself a few questions. 
“What does God want me to work on within myself during this waiting period?”
“How can I draw closer to God instead of pulling away from Him during this waiting period?”
“Who can I encourage that may be going through the same thing?
God’s timing is perfect… never early, never late. He knows what is best for us and will place us at the right place at the right time. It’s only a matter of time, so hold on to Gods promises for your life.
Waiting may be painful at times, but It’s so necessary as Christians .  The fastest way is not always the best way!

When you find out about the other Woman..

SO you found out that he cheated. You are angry and can't wait to get your hands on that man stealer! You still feel it is her fault why your man strayed, especially since she has been trying for a long time to win him over. However, it's important that you keep your cool in order to avoid embarrassing yourself and giving her the upper hand. Below are things you should never do to get back at the other woman.

Don't get into a cat fight

This happens oh too often. In fact, it only strokes some men's egos when they see women fighting over them. So never, ever, assault the woman for your man's indiscretions. If she approaches you seeking to knock you out, walk away. If she decides to throw the first blow, you have the law on your side if you defend yourself.

Don't call her workplace

Don't invade her workspace by calling or going there to cuss her out as it could make you look desperate and insecure. Calling her office and letting everyone know she has stolen your man will look bad on both of you.

Don't call or text her

Sending text messages and calling incessantly doesn't cut it. In fact it only makes the other woman feel she is in control of the situation. She will simply have a good laugh at your expense. No amount of phone calls or text messages are going to change her mind anyway. Take the matter up with your man. Don't let her think you are a psychopath who can't let go.

Don't get too emotional.

Women handle break-ups a lot differently from men. They are more emotional. It's a good time to remember that men really don't like the drama. Lay off the melodramatics and handle the break-up with grace and dignity. It's not as easy as it sounds, but you will score more points if you stay away from her. Let both of them see that you are above them.

Finally take the matter to God!
Prayer works wonders. Always remember the devil is out there seriously trying to destroy marriages. Please ladies be sensitive!

By: Nkechi Harry Ngonadi (Mrs)

Sunday, 16 August 2015

We Can’t Love God, Yet Hate His People

The two commandments (love God, love others: Matthew 22:36-40) hold hands and cannot be separated. Why? This verse makes it painfully simple: “Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen” (1 John 4:20).

You cannot love God and hate people. You cannot revere Him, yet dismiss the people He made. If you say you love God, yet skirt away from others in isolation, you are a liar.
Not easy words to write or hear or read. A liar is someone who says untrue words. A deceiver. So when we hate people who have wronged us, yet hallow God’s name in church, we are liars.
Loving others isn’t easy. And at times I don’t love well. I’d rather trumpet everyone else’s failures and barbs and minimize my own. I’d rather God forgive my mountain of sins than choose to forgive the molehill of sins that others have perpetrated against me. I’d rather bask in my self-righteous rightness than consider that I may be the perpetrator in need of others’ grace and forgiveness.

Written by: Mary Demuth

I slept with my friends boyfriend, will God forgive me?

Dear DivineDivas,

Ok, let me be very open for the first time on this platform. First of, I betrayed my best friend about 8 years ago. I had sex with her boyfriend. I was 20years at the time, she used to tell me she and the guy were fighting about one thing or the other, so I should come in and talk to him. I actually had the intent of helping their relationship, but things got out of hand because I and the guy started getting close. the guy disvirgined me and days after started calling me names and all that. We made up again and he had sex wit me again. Then I noticed he always fight with me after getting what he wants. And when he needs me again, he ll be all smiles and nice. So I decided to end it. I couldn't confess to my friend.I think a year later, he claimed he has become born again and so he was going to confess to my friend. So I told him I had to be present. We got there, he did all the talking, put the blame on me, that I seduced him, and so, my friendship was broken. My friend called me the next day to come and tell her my part of the story, I did and we greeted each other from a distance. I didn't know how to pacify her, our third friend came in and settled the issue, but we aren't close again. We tried to mend it after nysc,but this guy went bad mouthing me again. Less I forget, I prayed and prayed for God to forgive me and with His help I was able to forgive myself.

This truly is a heart breaking event. It's okay for you to feel bad but not enough reason for you to send yourself on a guilt trip! I can feel the pain you are in and the sorrow you feel over what you have done. Pre-marital sex m the other hand is another issue entirely but since you're in Christ now, i'm sure you know better.
It's normal for your friend to set a boundary based on what you did but it doesn't mean she hates you or she hasn't forgiven you but you need to FORGIVE yourself. We ALL have things we have done which we regret. If you say you don’t, I say you haven’t reflected deeply enough on your life (or you are not yet an adult). We need to forgive ourselves for those things—and yes, we need to forgive those who have wronged us, too.
Ultimately forgiveness isn’t really about the other person. Forgiveness is about you. Forgiving frees youto be happier (without the baggage of regrets) and it frees you to create what you desire (without sabotaging your creations by feeling less than deserving).
 When God forgives us, He remembers our sins no more ....
"And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more (Jeremiah 31:34 KJV)
This does not mean that the all-knowing God forgets because He forgives us. Rather, He chooses not to bring up our sin to Himself or others. When our former sins come to mind, we can choose to dwell upon them, or we can choose to fill our minds with thoughts of the awesome God who forgave us and thank and praise Him for it.
  Chin Up Beautiful...There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1

Loads of Love...

He Raped Me...Can i Forgive & Forget?

Dear Oye,

I'm kinda struggling to forgive a good friend of mine ( we not really good friends anymore sha) who raped me two years ago. I was a virgin and he knew I was waiting till marriage. I know I should forgive him but every time I remember that day, I always get mad at him and myself. I get upset with myself because something told me to leave his house that day but I didn't listen.
I told him no & he said he thought my know meant yes..

Its not normal that you have the bitterness in you but now is the time to get it out of you...i'm sure this experience is tainting other areas of your life...but dear it is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old according to TD Jakes.

He killed your trust...first thing first congratulations that you shared this because your healing process has first of all need to decide that you're ready to forgive.
It is hard to do but you have to forgive ...pray for him tomorrow in church and tell God that you desire to let go of the past...tell God you no longer want to dress an old wound...
FORGIVE & FORGET...Something i learnt from @bishopjakes about forgetting is ...forgetting isn't a MEMORY LAPSE its a MEMORY will remain chained to that past until you decide enough is enough...thank God for the experience......Read philippians 3:13-15

Ask God to take out every unforgivesess in your heart...
I know a lot can relate to this....are you willing to forgive or you'll rather stay blaming the guy that raped you?
Life is too short to die a bitter person....DivineDivas forgive & they forget.

Oye (DivineDiva)

Saturday, 15 August 2015


Masturbation...that evil monster that's widely accepted these days-even by Christians who tell us it's better to masturbate than to have sex, those are lies!
Fact is, I've been in those shoes, still in those shoes actually, heck I'm those shoes! I've been in them for as long as I can remember...very very long!
I don't remember how/why I started, I tell you and I had never spoken about it with anyone till last year. Yes speaking about it helps to overcome the struggle, that's what they say-but I won't lie to you, I've still been there several times.
You see, this is how I knew it was something the devil was using to gradually disrupt the direction my destiny was supposed to take:
- Every single time I got in "the act", a terrible blanket of sadness takes over me! Sometimes, it's so bad that I quit praying and studying God's word or my devotionals. And you know what they say: a PRAYER-LESS Christian is a POWERLESS Christian! The devil would do anything to tear you away from the power you have over him!

- The urge comes at the most important times in my life. Like when I've just finished a 3/7/any number of days of fasting and prayer and the most painful thing is, I give in! Even if I ask for forgiveness and pray that God answers my prayers, maybe God will, but what if it delays those answers or it even renders my prayers invalid?! Remember Job in the Bible, how the devil wanted him to sin so badly so that he can "report" him to God and validate why God shouldn't bless him anymore? The devil consistently attacks the best of us(God's children).

- Lastly, I'm that girl that have said NO all my life to "no sex before marriage" and one of my dreams is to speak with younger girls around the world about keeping themselves till marriage...I'm that friend in any group I'm in that fiercely fights for the "no sex before marriage" rule! For the longest time, I rationalized it because i said it was better than having sex before marriage. But then why do I feel dirty and worthless after each time? Because it's the feeling that comes with it-masturbation is from the devil, so is the feeling that comes afterwards!

My dear, I know what you're going through, I'm still going through see, it doesn't make you a bad person or bad Christian. But you need to fight it-physically, mentally, spiritually! It's a serious battle! As I type this, I'm recognizing how serious it is...see last night, I wanted to take a hot bath soak cos that's my relieves my menstrual cramps, I couldn't do it! You know why? Every single time I tried to soak myself in the bath tub in the past, the urge was back and I gave in every single time!
What am I saying? You need to recognize the harm it brings your way! You need to ask yourself why it's you who has to struggle with it and not the next person- it's because its important to satan to have you live in the repercussions! The Bible says the devil is like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour- that's you and I! He's here to steal your destiny,kill you and destroy your life! And the more we let him have that power, the easier a target we become!
But God has told us he would never tempt us beyond our abilities...that means, you and I can overcome it! I know it's hard...that feeling of satisfaction while you're at it, and few seconds after, it's so refreshing and all BUT it's a façade, because we all know the shame and guilt that comes after.
I know this is an epistle, and I wish I could say do this and that and your struggle would end but that's gonna be a lie!
But it's a battle you WILL win if you're determined and let God help you fight it! Let every day you overcome it, be a celebrated day because it means you're a step closer to the end of that battle-which we know who the winner is, YOU, sister, YOU!! I'd be praying for you as I pray for myself.
Love ya! 

Writer: One of the DivineDivas

Thursday, 13 August 2015


(Study 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20)

Some people are so spiritually blind and unaware of how harmful pre-marital sex is. Nowadays young women have no shame in  being pregnant before marriage, you post pictures of your belly and show with pride the evidence of your fornication. You have not only recieved physical transfer of fluids but also STD's( Sexually Transmitted Demons), curses that will hinder your life and limit you from amounting to anything.

Instead of repenting and drawing nearer to GOD who is capable of lifting all family curses and bondage you have allowed by your ignorance and sinful ways, you celebrate and continue do what you haven't laboured for. You are harming the innocent souls in your wombs dear sisters, STD flowing as they please. 

For those who believe that sex before marriage is safe when you use protection I have news for you too, you might not get pregnant or get diseases and viruses but you are still very open to demons, most of you see spirits and people making love to you in your dreams and that is the cause. 

Post by ;Jefferey..