Saturday, 20 June 2015

Marriage Built On Biblical Principles

Father, Your Word establishes that wives should submit to their husband’s authority and reverence him. Your Word also establishes that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave His life for it (1 Peter 3: 1- 7). We thank You that this is established in our relationship now and forever. We thank You, Father, for making us greater together than we will ever be apart (Ecclesiastes 4: 9- 12)

We thank You, Father, that divorce is not an option in this marriage so the discussion of such will never be entertained (Mark 10: 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder). We thank You for the willingness to rectify all disagreements or conflict in our relationship before our day ends (Ephesians 4: 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath). We confess and decree that we will give envy and strife no place in this relationship (James 3: 16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work). We confess and decree that we use kind words to deflect frustration and anger (Proverbs 15: 1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger; Proverbs 16: 24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones). We confess and decree that we will live harmoniously and love each other with the unconditional love of Christ.
We thank You, Father, that our family prays together and will stay together, 
happily and lovingly, through the submission to Your Word and the leadership of my husband/ myself (Psalm 127: 1 Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. 
We declare and decree that the glory of our future will be greater than that of our past (Haggai 2: 9)


Curled from "I need to Pray" by Tina Campbell
Picture from instagram @jidekolaphotography

Friday, 19 June 2015

5 Ways to Pray for Love (Before You Find It)

I came across this article online and I thought it was for me. I've never prayed about my love life. I feel like it's just too petty or insignificant but now i know talking to God about my love life is an important thing to do.
I ask God to guard my heart, protect my weaknesses but i just realized there's a lot more to commit to God.
Our desire for love can be so consuming and that explains why we need to spend sometime praying for our love life...yea the time we waste  worrying, analyzing and trying to figure things out.
 The five aspects of our love life we need to pray about

1. Trust
  The search for the right person to date is a huge one. We spend so much time asking ourselves questions..important questions like How would I know?  What would be the signs?  What if I chose the wrong person? What if I messed it up?  The best way to start praying for your love life–is to ask God to increase your trust.  Trust requires a shift in perspective–that allows God to carry the burden of the what-ifs and the unknowns.

2. For Healing
A lot of work has to be done here,
The work I’m talking about is the work of healing.  Insecurities, fears, anger, selfishness, and pride.  The list goes on and on.  This healing needs to take place in our actions and reactions to the world around us-and penetrate all the way into our hearts. We need to pray for more healing during our time as singles.Healing from sin, from struggles, and from temptations.
We need to be healed from a lot of things so we can enjoy a strong and healthy relationship,

3. For Wisdom

God grants wisdom to those who ask for it.  Wisdom to make good choices, to see right from wrong, and to live a life of responsibility.  I would have asked for wisdom to walk away from the open-doors that were harmful, and wisdom to be patient on the ones that seemed to be closed.  As you pray for love, ask God for wisdom- and then listen to what He says.

4. For Fulfillment

 When you are filled to the brim, it overflows into the lives of those around you.  When you’re not, you seek fulfillment from those around you.  So many times we wait for a relationship to fill us up- not realizing that it actually can’t.  Rather than living in the preoccupation of the holes in our lives -we need to ask God for fulfillment and joy during those difficult seasons. 
We should pray for God Himself to fill us up rather than ask Him to give us things to fill us with. 
True fulfillment comes from God and God alone.

5. For Love
Ask God for more of His love in your life. We all want so much to experience the love between a man and a woman but we can't love right if we don't love God. When you get a glimpse of God’s love in your life- you begin to recognize it in the people around you.  I would have been saved from so much heartache and pain if I could have understood what real love actually looked like and learned to give and receive that kind of love- the sacrificial, servant-hearted, selfless love of Jesus Christ.

When it comes to pouring your heart out to the Father in prayer- there is nothing too small for His reach.  We’re invited to talk to Him about every little detail of our lives and of our love lives.  He wants to hear, to listen, and to give us the desires of our heart. 
But more so, prayer is for us.  As much as God longs to give us the desires of our hearts–more so, He longs to change our hearts.  To make our hearts bigger, wiser, stronger. To make them more trusting, more peaceful, and most of all–more like His. 

I hope you find this helpful..please share with a friend.

Excerpts from

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Power of a Praying Husband.

A praying man is a powerful man. A man who touches the heart of God is desirable to a woman. His relationship with God is evident in the sensitivity he exhibits toward her. The sense of protection she feels under his prayerful care cannot be articulated. 
Only through prayer will a man fully know how to meet his wife's needs. She will never be able to vocalize all that she needs from him, and at times, she herself will not even know her own needs But through his interaction with God and instruction from the Holy Spirit, he will be equipped to respond to the secret desires of her heart. This will not occur if he merely goes through the motions and prays formularized monologues. Real prayer involves a transparency of the heart and an openness to Gods response. 
No matter how great your marriage is, God wants it to be better.
The good thing about prayer—or the problem with prayer, depending on your perspective—is that we have to go to God to do it. This means we can’t get away with anything. It means that any negative thoughts, bad attitudes, hardness of heart, or selfish motives are going to be revealed by the Lord. Fervent and honest prayer causes the depths of our hearts to be exposed. That can be uncomfortable. Even downright miserable.

If there is one thing I have learned about prayer, it’s that if we have any unforgiveness, bitterness, selfishness, pride, anger, irritation, or resentment in our hearts, our prayers will not be answered. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear” (Psalm 66:18). Our hearts have to be right when we pray. We all—men and women alike—jeopardize our own prayers when we don’t pray them from a right heart.

What is in our hearts when we pray has more effect on whether our prayers are answered than the actual prayer itself. That’s why, when we come before Him to pray, God asks us to first confess anything in our hearts that shouldn’t be there. He does that so nothing will separate us from Him. Your wife's most fervent desire for you is that you become the man God created you to be. It must be your desire also. God has given you strength, brilliance, power, authority, and the wonderful and admirable traits that come with being a man. Ask God to help you use them well and to His Glory. Ask God to make you everything He created you to be so you and your wife will always be a winning team.

Prayer Power

Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10). Show me where my attitude and thoughts are not what You would have them to be, especially toward my wife. Convict me when I am being unforgiving. Help me to let go of any anger, so that confusion will not have a place in my mind. If there is behavior in me that needs to change, enable me to make changes that last. Whatever You reveal to me, I will confess to You as sin.

Make me a man after Your own heart. Enable me to be the head of my home and family that You created me to be.

excerpts from: The Power of a praying Husband 
Stormie Omartian

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

I'm Afraid of Dating....👀

Is it wrong that as a Christian single girl i am suddenly afraid of dating?
I know i've had a taste of emotional abuse and been in a couple of unhealthy relationships but can this be the reason behind my sudden fear of Dating.

 Two years ago, i repressed my desire for dating and relationships with the opposite sex and decided to Focus more on myself & Jesus. I'm still waiting but lately I've been feeling like i'm good to go except for the fear of failing, making mistakes or not meeting my ideal Godly guy.
  This is not me being negative so don't even try judging me. The truth is the world of dating can be very hard to navigate for Christians. Dating to me before was a feel-good, romantic, emotionally-driven, sexual experience. The foundation of my previous relationships was based on pleasure & passion thereby embracing lust but my orientation now is different & it appears to be more difficult than Normal.
  I know that  God never intends for myself & other Christian singles to live in fear, but rather in faith. His word reminds us that Perfect love casts out fear so as Children of God we have been given all the wisdom we need to live by faith!
 Well? I've decided  it's time to stop freaking out about dating and see it as an opportunity for growth, insight, and right relationships. 
I've finally come to terms with the reality that dating is not the enemy but instead my fears and insecurities.
 I've decided to relax a little, and trust God to lead me into the right relationship one step at a time.
  If we are following God's leading, waiting for His peace, and trusting the internal wisdom He's given us-one step at a time will always lead us into the right direction or guide us out of the wrong direction. We don't even have any business with knowing if they're "the one" as long as we're in tune with the prince of peace.
Do not compromise your relationship with God , engage in relationships that are mutually edifying, encouraging & uplifting. When you eventually meet "the one" make sure you see dating as Just another means to Glorify God.

(Make sure you share with a friend)

Oye (DivineDiva

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Forgive and Forget...💖

Colossians 3:12-14
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, long suffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection"

It is truly amazing how some people attempt to justify an angry, unforgiving heart. They may think, God knows what that person did to me, so He understands why I feel this way. Well, He certainly understands, but that doesn't mean He approves.

Jesus faced appalling betrayal and abandonment, so He knows human emotions inside and out. Yet the Lord does not agree that we should feel justified about an unforgiving attitude. The Savior had a God-centered view of forgiveness that withstood the vilest torture. This is something we should thank God for every morning. Why? Because we are the ones who betray the Lord daily.
We have wronged Jesus in ways no one has ever wronged us. We've denied Him His rightful place in our lives. We have doubted His Word, ignored His instructions, and left Him out of our day-to-day lives. We've sinned against Him and shamed Him by sinning against others.
What is Jesus' response to this abuse? "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Now, do you really believe He will justify your unforgiveness under any circumstances? No, He won't.
When you look to God to excuse your unforgiving heart, you'll hear Him answer, "Look at the cross." There, you'll discover the price that was paid for your own forgiveness. Colossians 3:13 spells out our solemn responsibility: "Forgive as the Lord forgave you" (NIV, emphasis added). Just as we have been forgiven, so we must now become forgivers.

Words by: Dr Charles F Stanley
(InTouch Ministries)

T.D Jakes Celebrates Wife on anniversary❤️

Pastor Bishop T.D Jakes took to his instagram page to appreciate wife as they celebrate 33 years of marriage.
He said "Throughout all the ups and downs, we've always had each other's back"

Serita Jakes, the wife of the megachurch pastor has revealed in the past that she made the first move to pursue her husband.
 She admitted that she started pursuing her husband as a secret admirer before she was finakly introduced to him bu her Pastor's wife.
 Mrs Jakes is known for sharing the story of the humble beginnings she and her husband endured before they became leaders of a 30,000 member Congregration. Their story is another to emulate as she emphasizes on the importance of respecting humble beginnings.
 We pray that they live to celebrate more Glorious years together in Love.


Are You Marriage Material?

 So often in the pursuit of love we get so caught up trying to find the right person, that we end up losing ourselves.

But just as important as it is find someone who is marriage material, it’s important to take some time to look inward, making sure that we are meeting the very standards we are looking for in a partner.

So what does it take to become marriage material? Here are a few characteristics that we need to strive for as we seek to become all that God wants for us:

1. Faith: There is nothing more vital to the life-line of a healthy person than being rooted in relationship with Christ. Through this relationship, we learn what it means to really love, and are enabled to pour that same kind of love into our romantic relationships as well.  Don’t ever neglect your faith through the process of dating, because it’s the most important aspect to achieving a rich and meaningful love-life.

2. Self-Awareness: Self-awareness is such a crucial aspect to becoming marriage material. Knowing your strengths, your weakness, your struggles, your talents, and your flaws has everything to do with the health of your future relationship because healthy people attract healthy relationships. Become marriage material by taking the time to look inward. Deal with your baggage, and strive to become the best version of yourself.

3. Security: It is said that a person’s level of security and confidence is actually more attractive to the opposite sex than their actual physical appearance. A person of confidence knows that their value is not rooted in their relationship status, but rather, their identity in Christ. People of confidence are enabled to love out of their desire to give, rather than simply out of their desire to get.

4. Integrity: Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, Purity…living a life of integrity means that we resolve to develop the qualities of godliness in our lives. Integrity is something that begins long before we’ve entered a relationship, and has everything to do with how we act and interact with the people that God has placed in our lives here and now.

5. Responsibility: From how you deal with your finances, to how well you keep your word, and everything in between, being marriage material means that you take responsibility for your life. When you are responsible with your life, you will also be responsible with their heart.

6. Commitment: We live in a generation that’s absolutely afraid of commitment. From  choosing a career, to making plans for a Friday night, our culture tends to live paralyzed by fear rather than take steps of faith and move into action. Take a look at your life and ask yourself this: what has been your track record when it comes to the area of commitment? What fears, insecurities, and anxieties have been holding you back from living your life and making commitments? To become marriage material, it’s important to be a person that’s driven by faith, not by fear.

7. Significant Relationships: A person who is marriage material recognizes that there is so much value in relationships – above and beyond romantic ones. Healthy people have learned the art of making deep friendships, learning from wise mentors, and discipling those who are in need of direction. One way to know how someone will engage in a romantic relationship is by taking a look at how they interact with the people in their lives. Are your significant relationships marked by drama and conflict, or by communication and respect? Work on nourishing the relationships that God has given you here and now in order to prepare yourself for life-long love.

8. Maturity: To put it simply, to be marriage material – you need to grow up. And the thing about “growing up” is…it has nothing to do with your age. We live in a culture that allows us to remain children for far too long, never asking us to plan ahead or set goals; blaming everyone else instead of owning up to our life choices and responsibilities. But the quality of our life is determined by no one else and nothing less than the choices that we make day in and day out. Recognize your role in your life and in your relationships, by learning to grow up and take action.

9. Discipline: Believe it or not, all the things you struggle with as a single, you will likely continue to struggle with in your marriage. So there’s no better time to become marriage material than before marriage! God’s word reminds us that one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. What are the areas of your life that are in need of some self-control? Your spending habits? Your emotional world? Your sexual struggles? Your leisure activities? How are you spending the precious minutes of your life, and are you building habits that will benefit your future marriage, hang-ups that will poison it?

10. Communication: The truth is, marriage is a life-long conversation. But so many of us go into it without any knowledge of how to converse or manage conflict. We hold our feelings in, give the cold shoulder, or spew venomous words when we’re angry and upset. We don’t know how to recognize our feelings, much less share them with someone else. But to become marriage material, you need to learn how to communicate in a healthy way. What is your communication bent? Are you a passive, aggressive, or assertive communicator? Are you superficial in your conversation, or do you have the skills to go deep?

Having a healthy marriage starts long before the marriage begins. Take inventory of your life and ask yourself if you’re learning and growing in the ten areas mentioned above.

Do your future marriage a favor by using this precious time in your life to work on becoming the best version of yourself. Here’s to a healthy you, and in turn, to becoming “marriage material”.

Curled from
 So often in the pursuit of love we get so caught up trying to find the right person, that we end up losing ourselves.

But just as important as it is find someone who is marriage material, it’s important to take some time to look inward, making sure that we are meeting the very standards we are looking for in a partner.

So what does it take to become marriage material? Here are a few characteristics that we need to strive for as we seek to become all that God wants for us:

1. Faith: There is nothing more vital to the life-line of a healthy person than being rooted in relationship with Christ. Through this relationship, we learn what it means to really love, and are enabled to pour that same kind of love into our romantic relationships as well.  Don’t ever neglect your faith through the process of dating, because it’s the most important aspect to achieving a rich and meaningful love-life.

2. Self-Awareness: Self-awareness is such a crucial aspect to becoming marriage material. Knowing your strengths, your weakness, your struggles, your talents, and your flaws has everything to do with the health of your future relationship because healthy people attract healthy relationships. Become marriage material by taking the time to look inward. Deal with your baggage, and strive to become the best version of yourself.

3. Security: It is said that a person’s level of security and confidence is actually more attractive to the opposite sex than their actual physical appearance. A person of confidence knows that their value is not rooted in their relationship status, but rather, their identity in Christ. People of confidence are enabled to love out of their desire to give, rather than simply out of their desire to get.

4. Integrity: Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, Purity…living a life of integrity means that we resolve to develop the qualities of godliness in our lives. Integrity is something that begins long before we’ve entered a relationship, and has everything to do with how we act and interact with the people that God has placed in our lives here and now.

5. Responsibility: From how you deal with your finances, to how well you keep your word, and everything in between, being marriage material means that you take responsibility for your life. When you are responsible with your life, you will also be responsible with their heart.

6. Commitment: We live in a generation that’s absolutely afraid of commitment. From  choosing a career, to making plans for a Friday night, our culture tends to live paralyzed by fear rather than take steps of faith and move into action. Take a look at your life and ask yourself this: what has been your track record when it comes to the area of commitment? What fears, insecurities, and anxieties have been holding you back from living your life and making commitments? To become marriage material, it’s important to be a person that’s driven by faith, not by fear.

7. Significant Relationships: A person who is marriage material recognizes that there is so much value in relationships – above and beyond romantic ones. Healthy people have learned the art of making deep friendships, learning from wise mentors, and discipling those who are in need of direction. One way to know how someone will engage in a romantic relationship is by taking a look at how they interact with the people in their lives. Are your significant relationships marked by drama and conflict, or by communication and respect? Work on nourishing the relationships that God has given you here and now in order to prepare yourself for life-long love.

8. Maturity: To put it simply, to be marriage material – you need to grow up. And the thing about “growing up” is…it has nothing to do with your age. We live in a culture that allows us to remain children for far too long, never asking us to plan ahead or set goals; blaming everyone else instead of owning up to our life choices and responsibilities. But the quality of our life is determined by no one else and nothing less than the choices that we make day in and day out. Recognize your role in your life and in your relationships, by learning to grow up and take action.

9. Discipline: Believe it or not, all the things you struggle with as a single, you will likely continue to struggle with in your marriage. So there’s no better time to become marriage material than before marriage! God’s word reminds us that one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. What are the areas of your life that are in need of some self-control? Your spending habits? Your emotional world? Your sexual struggles? Your leisure activities? How are you spending the precious minutes of your life, and are you building habits that will benefit your future marriage, hang-ups that will poison it?

10. Communication: The truth is, marriage is a life-long conversation. But so many of us go into it without any knowledge of how to converse or manage conflict. We hold our feelings in, give the cold shoulder, or spew venomous words when we’re angry and upset. We don’t know how to recognize our feelings, much less share them with someone else. But to become marriage material, you need to learn how to communicate in a healthy way. What is your communication bent? Are you a passive, aggressive, or assertive communicator? Are you superficial in your conversation, or do you have the skills to go deep?

Having a healthy marriage starts long before the marriage begins. Take inventory of your life and ask yourself if you’re learning and growing in the ten areas mentioned above.

Do your future marriage a favor by using this precious time in your life to work on becoming the best version of yourself. Here’s to a healthy you, and in turn, to becoming “marriage material”.o often in the pursuit of love we get so caught up trying to find the right person, that we end up losing ourselves.
But just as important as it is find someone who is marriage material, it’s important to take some time to look inward, making sure that we are meeting the very standards we are looking for in a partner.
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