Saturday, 12 December 2015

"Modesty Is A Choice"

Modesty is a choice. No one, including God, forces us to adopt modesty into our life. 
No matter our decision, God loves us, but choosing modesty will change our life. The change doesn’t happen because we stop wearing bikinis, it happens because we choose to obey and submit. 

Choices of obedience and submission are not easy when we don’t fully understand or still want to be in control. Sometimes we have obey simply because we trust that His ways are better than our understanding. Some of us might be in this place with modesty. We honestly don’t see what is wrong with showing some cleavage, wearing short-shorts or workout clothes that show all our curves. We don’t understand how modesty really leads to holiness. Even when we don’t understand, God is asking us to trust. Trust that He knows what is best. Trust that He is protecting us. Trust that He is offering true freedom. Trust that He is taking us into a deeper place of intimacy with Him. No it isn’t easy but He isn’t asking you to change overnight or all at once. He is asking us to take one step of obedience, then another of step of submission, then another of step of trust.  

Where do we start? We start by digging into His Truth, searching scripture, and talking with women who have already been on this journey. We start by make holiness our goal. As we take these steps we will fall deeper in love with Him and that’s when we will begin to understand. We will understand why God designed modesty. We will understand that it’s not about rules but about a deeper relationship with Him. We will understand that modesty is a gift that allows us to respect ourselves on a whole different level. We will understand that God isn’t after a wardrobe change; He’s after your heart. I pray that today you will choose to start the journey of modesty, even if it’s out of pure obedience and submission. He won’t let you down! 

Thursday, 3 December 2015

He's My Soulmate On All Levels ~ Lolade

   I am always excited to bring to you amazing match made in heaven stories. There's nothing as beautiful as a God fearing man hooking up with a God fearing Lady.
  Niyi attends my church (myjoshuaville), i see how commited and dedicated he is serving God and i often wonder how a good looking guy like him handles it. Lolade on the other hand is a fashionista i admire from a distance, i didn't know herself and Niyi were dating until a few weeks before Niyi proposed in church.....
Read their story and i hope you learn something from it....

MMIH: How did you meet Niyi? Tell us about your match made in heaven story.

LoladeI met Niyi in 2005 when I was in secondary school. However, the truth is that even though Niyi  and I have not been together for long, it feels like we have known each other all along. (And I’m not saying it in some teen-girl-fantasy way; I’m saying it in a matter-of-fact fashion.) We may well have been lovers or deeply connected in our past lives, because our connection transcends beyond any connection I’ve ever known or imagined possible.
I’m excited to share my love story because I want to inspire all of you who are seeking love or are yet to find love. Regardless of whether you are single or attached, I hope my/our story will give you hope about love. I never knew that such a perfect man like Niyi exists, much less wind up to be my life partner. 
If “soulmates” mean 2 souls having an unexplainable affinity for each other be it mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, then that’s what Niyi and I are to each other — soulmates, on all levels.

MMIH: What got you attracted to Niyi?
Lolade: Hmmmm well , to be honest .He has the Fear Of God  and of course' He is too handsome... 😁😁🙈🙈

MMIH: How long did you guys date for?
Lolade: We have been friends for 10years and been dating for one year five months before he finally asked me to be his wife on the 11th of october 2015.

MMIH: What differentiates Niyi from any guy you've ever dated?

Lolade: Hmmmmm hmmm..Everything!!! First of all, God fearing, Loving , Caring, Romantic and I will add persistent and never gives up ( because I'm very stubborn.....)

MMIH: Has there been any challenges? If yes...share the most challenging experience...
Lolade: Challenges ehen ..Funny ones ooo hope you don't mind if I share .Well I won't say challenges. 
Most times the challenges are His likes against my Dislikes and vice versa.
One is I am a night crawler( I don't sleep early ) aaaah Niyi is the opposite ooo he doesn't joke with his sleep at night and that is the only time to communicate better because of our demanding jobs during the day . It was a major challenge though but we have been able to work around it by making sure despite our tight schedule at work we communicate with each other and in traffic that when we get to talk at night , we don't have much to say.

MMIH: Niyi is a very fine man,how do you manage his fenale fans..has he ever given you any reason to doubt his love for you?

Lolade: yeee !!! Good question. I really don't let that bother me. I agree he is an handsome irresistible guy. He would definitely have a lot of female fans and those i get to meet, i make them my friends & those that  i don't get to meet and won't let him be (i pray about it ) it's as simple as that!
No !  No !No! he has never given meany  reason to doubt his love for me. He is a God fearing man, honest and trustworthy.

MMIH: Some people belive Godly relationsips are boring, how do you guys spice up your relationship.

Lolade: Godly relationship boring ke? No it's Not .hmmmm Alot ooo, beach , movies , Games  & other outdoor events.

MMIH: So, lets talk about sex...whats your take on premarital sex?

Lolade: it's a no no

MMIH: Do you guys have any particular boundaries or aren't you bothered about getting physical?

Lolade: it's difficult but i hold on to Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled:but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."

MMIH: Thank you for your time Lolade...any advice for single ladies like waiting on God for their man of faith & lover?

Lolade: my advice to single ladies is that they should  hold on to this scripture Isaiah 30:18 "And therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him."
Do not engage in fornication no matter the temptation. In addition, get close to God first:that man of faith will come and if a man doesn't fall on his knees in prayer, he doesn't deserve to fall to one knee with a ring.

NB: MMIH means (matchmadeinheaven)

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Finding The Right Partner- Chemistry, Compatibility & Choice..

      Doyin & Ife ..

This is one question that has ruined many relationships or that has kept so may Christians in their single state.

Recently, i asked my roomate how do we know the right one? Even though we couldn't figure out how, we agreed that God definitely would not come down to identify the one. I decided to find the answer to this question that has been bothering me and a lot of Christian singles.

Dating is tough enough for the world, but as Christ-followers, we often unintentionally put extra pressure on each other to get it “right”—and end up with unnecessary casualties of the heart.

Should pray about the people you consider dating? Absolutely.  

When we’re seeking God for direction on a potential dating partner, it’s better to relax and get to know each other and have fun, rather than put that dangling noose in the air. Regardless of your intention, it comes off as a looming judgment. What if you interpret God telling you yes, but he interpretes no? Who is hearing God correctly?

Asking God if your date is the one has leads into the unhealthy mindset of believing there is one soul mate for everyone, and oops, sorry—you’re not it! At the end of the day, the only requirement God gives in His word is that you marry a fellow believer. Past that, it’s a matter of chemistry, compatibility and choice.

Too many times Christian men and women realize they aren’t interested in moving a relationship forward, and pass the buck on to God with statements like “I don’t believe this is God’s will” and “God told me to break up with you.” It’s a lot easier to put the blame on God than on ourselves when things just don’t work out. Gof gas given us free will and that person we’ve invested in deserves the truth (gently, and in love).

If or when you realize you don't want to pursue more with that person, give them the real reason—don’t pass the buck on to God. That’s damaging to them, and usually, it’s not even true.

Give solid reasons why and don't try to hide behind a spiritual curtain.

We might not want to hear this, but most of the time, it’s a simply a matter of not wanting to admit the harder-to-say truth of "you know what, you're cool, but I just don't feel any chemistry between us". Or "Hey, you're awesome but I'm not completely over my ex yet." Or "Hey, you're fun to be around, but I think I see you more like a friend or a sister."

As much as rejection from people can hurt, it hurts so much worse to think you're being rejected by God. Thinking you aren't good enough for this person or you're not qualified to be a substantial part of their life. 

So quit asking God if he or she is “the one”.

And instead, start asking how you can be a good date. Ask how you can protect and build up the other person in the equation, whether they turn into a date or a spouse or a good friend. Ask how you can demonstrate Christ-like love and edify. Ask how you can draw them closer to Jesus through your words and actions. Ask for God to guard both of your hearts, and not stir up or awaken love until it’s time. (Song of Solomon 2:7)

And trust God to take it from there.


"The Freedom Of Modesty"

Modesty can easily be taken to extremes. People say that unless women cover every inch of skin, men will lust and women will compare. Hoping to prevent this, they tell us how low shirts can go and how many inches a pair of shorts should be. Other’s take it to another extreme saying that modesty is old fashioned and suppresses women’s rights. They believe that it is our right to show as much of our bodies as we like as long as it make us feel good. The problem is that both these, and other extremes, divert us away from the true outcome and blessing of modesty, which is freedom and protection. 

Through modesty God frees us from the need to receive approval from men or women, protects our minds, allowing us to live with the confidence of His truth and protects us from thinking that our beauty has anything to do with our outer appearance. Without God’s protection and freedom we tend to dress hoping for the label of sexy, gorgeous or beautiful. We want to be noticed, encouraged and affirmed for how we look. The problem is that those labels are a temporary fix for what is really going on in our hearts. Our hearts are longing to be loved and sought after and no worldly label has the power to change our hearts or give true self-confidence. These labels only deceive us and lead to more emptiness, pride, complacency, and comparisons. God didn’t design us to live this way. He designed us to live with freedom, confidence and protection. To give us an alternative God designed modesty. He knew that if we would dive into modesty we could gain a healthy perspective of our bodies and begin to live with all that God has to offer. This happens because through modesty we seek Him. 
Modesty doesn’t restrict us; it brings true life and real freedom. Don’t let people’s extremes water down God’s definition, intention and blessing of modesty. Begin to live the life that God created you to live by diving into the heart of what modesty really is, a guide to living with freedom and protection 

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Former Miss USA dumps lover Tim Tebow over lack of sex

One of America’s hottest football players has reportedly been dumped by his model girlfriend because he won’t have sex with her.

Former Miss USA Olivia Culpo, 23, called off her relationship with Tim Tebow, 28, after two months because of his very public virginity vow, a source close to the model told the New York Daily News.

“She had to break up with him because she just couldn’t handle it,” the insider said.

In 2009, at the height of his college football fame, the devout Christian told a reporter that he was saving himself for marriage.

Meanwhile, E! is claiming that the two are “still friends and will remain to be.”

Source told New York Daiky News that He still hits her up, but Olivia just can’t deal with the sex thing. He’s pretty adamant about it.

Tim was apparently smitten with Culpo, who had previously dated Nick Jonas for two years.

“He was really into her”, the source said.

“He was sending her love letters and cute notes and professing his love for her.”

But not even the beauty queen could make him change his sacred promise.

Curled up from..


Infertility is one of the most painful conditions a couple can find themselves in. There are couples who don't want children, and that is fine. But generally, child-bearing is a desired outcome of marriage.
My mom called me yesterday to share some goodnews with me...actually a testimony. My cousin just put to bed after years of waiting on God.
The story you're about to read was originally published by her on the 2nd of January 2015. God compesated her with a boy and a girl...He's indeed more than able!
     We may be frustrated at the lack of activity going on in our bodies, but we can rejoice in what is going on in our souls. “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”
 2Corinthians 4:16-17


I was silent the past few months because I was going through a battle that I thank God I finally have victory over. I was battling Infertility. I have been battling it for 5 years now but God finally helped me overcome it in November/December. I actually don’t remember exactly when it was that the victory came, but it just came! I have so much Joy and Peace now that I don’t even understand how I have survived thus far.

I am finally free. After countless ovulation kits, Clomid sessions, thousands of vitamin supplements, 6 IVFs and numerous nights of crying myself to sleep, I am finally free. Free from the stigma I placed on myself, free from the label I thought people were putting on me, free from the shame I felt and free from the box I put myself in.

I am not yet pregnant, but I know that someday, God will do what He alone can do. I am finally enjoying my life and thanking God that He trusts me enough to allow me go through this trial, knowing that He would not give me more than I can handle. He knew I was strong enough to go through it and come out victorious and I have!

This is my story…..

When I was much younger, I always dreamt that I would get married at 26 and by the time I was 32, I would have had all my kids. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as I planned. I got married at the age of 28, two years later than I had planned. Not too bad, I thought that at least, having all my kids by age 33 was not too far from my original plan. Well,  I am now 34 yrs. old,  not yet pregnant but I thank God that I can say I have learnt so much in the time that has passed. I always prayed to God that I wanted my Joy to be Full. I always made this prayer in reference to our children bringing us joy. However, the Joy I have now is pure unadulterated Joy from God; not tied to anything.

 In my time of battle, I realized why Nobody Talks About Infertility. It is something that is so personal and unless you get to that place of true liberty and freedom, you can’t really share it with anyone. I am at that place now. And I want to share with you what was going through my mind all that while and how God helped me through it.

It was not an easy journey. I prayed for Joy for 5 years and it finally came. There were days I did not even have the strength to get out of bed to work (I guess some of my customers would now understand why some days I chose not to work). I just did not have the strength or motivation. I wanted to curl up in bed and cry all day and just ask God “Why?, Why Me?” . Well, Why Not Me? I would definitely not wish this experience on anyone. Looking back now, it is amazing how far I have come in my journey, I have been built and I am a much stronger person in Him.

 All the above being said, it’s been 6 yrs. since we have been married and 5 years since we have been actively trying to conceive. Nothing ever prepares you for the pains that ensue while trying to conceive. 

 After our wedding, we had decided to wait one year before trying to conceive, this was an agreement between my husband and I. We had also made our mothers aware of this so that there would be no pressure (we all know what that can be like). And thankfully, there was none. During this period, I was not working, so I spent most of my time cooking exotic dishes for my husband and as a result, I put on quite a bit of weight. This led to a lot of people thinking I was pregnant.

 My sister in law got married sometime during the year, I think it was at this point I realized that maybe I had put on more weight than I thought. Everyone kept congratulating me (and my mother). At first I thought it was because of the wedding, then while I was dancing, someone sent word to me that a pregnant woman should not be dancing the way I was!!! This was when I realized that they were congratulating me because they thought I was pregnant. Oh no, I was not pregnant yet; it was just my big tummy deceiving them and embarrassing me. I had to do something about this weight!

 Well, I did nothing about the weight because it was time for us to start trying for kids and I just thought that if I went through the pain of losing all this weight, I would just put it all back on when I got pregnant. In short – I was being lazy.

 And so it began, that we started trying for a beautiful baby. And we tried. And tried. And tried some more. Nothing! 6 months went by and nothing. That was when all the crazy ovulation monitoring started. I monitored my ovulation like a hawk! I was not going to miss it. Countless test kits but still no pregnancy. My friend recommended I try Clomid. That maybe I wasn’t ovulating properly (if there is such a thing). So the Clomid sessions started. With even more ovulation test kits being used, but still, nothing...

To be continued


It's the first day of the last month of the year and you're seeing this because we made it!!
Welcome to the new month...

Wishing you all a thankful December...

"The Purpose Of Modesty"

Life can be full of excuses and justifications. In the area of our clothes we can often hear excuses similar to “God looks at our hearts, not our clothes” or “it’s not my fault that men lack self-control” or “I dress more modestly than others.” These excuses are easy to say and believe when we don’t grasp the purpose of modesty. God didn’t create modesty so that people would stop comparing or lusting. These things are sometimes by-products but they are not the purpose. 

The purpose of modesty is holiness. God created us to be holy, meaning we are to be set apart from everything that is opposite His truth. Holiness is not achieved by being good or following moral rules; it’s achieved through seeking to be so intimate with God that you can’t breathe without Him. 

One of the biggest hindrances to holiness is our self. We begin to focus on what we want, how we need to feel, and how we want to be viewed by others. We dress in a way that allows us to achieve these necessary wants and feelings. We loose the fact that life is not about us but about God. When this happens lines get blurred, excuses rise to the surface and justifications invade our hearts. God, knowing this, advises us to implement the principle of modesty. He knows that striving for modesty will help us downgrade our personal desire and need to feel significant, redirecting our focus onto His truth. God cares about how we live our lives. No excuses or justification will change that. I pray that you begin to see modesty as a tool to help guide you into a lifestyle of holiness

Modesty is a picture of Grace...