Sunday 12 July 2015

21 steps to a rightful relationship

*Ask the Holyspirit to Lead you 
* The morning after: It's your walk... Win the war... Count it all Joy
* forgive no matter what. God requires us to forgive, since God is love, we can love.
* Are you in the right relationship 
-check in with the master 
- Discernment: ask God the persons purpose in your life. Move on if you have to, it is for the better and the biggest.
* Call upon the Lord
- Know the purpose of each relationship.
* Disobedience blocks blessings- be obedient to him.
* better is the end than the beginning 
- Keep a journal
- be consistent in prayers
* How do you recognize true love
- real love recognizes real love
- you have to put God first
* Power of Discernment 
- Wisdom to know what is God given 
- Godly versus Godly choices 
* Create a relationship with him
- Stay connected to the vine
- surrender to his will
*The Lord has not forgotten about you 
-Nothing is impossible 
- believe again 
- don't bury your dreams in the grave
* How bad do you want it?
- Some things come by prayer and fasting
- be anxious for nothing
* He will restore you, Only Him can.
*Don't lie to yourself 
- Don't Ignore what God is telling you.
- Trust Him
* Let go! You deserve better.
- Yes God has better.
* Start thanking Him for it
- the set time will come 
- put it into the atmosphere 
* get over bad relationships 
- Overcome rejection, Guard you heart 
- men's your broken heart, God wants the best for you 
- don't search for love in wrong places, Get into His word 
* Break the chain, unlock the chains. Move into your rightful place.
*He wants all of you
- put no one before God 
- surrender yourself to God
* Marrying the one he has for you
- how can two walk together unless they agree
- do not be unequally yoked 
- Father if this relationship is not you, please close the door.
* Ask this questions
- Are we equally yoked?
- Should I continue this path?
- Is this God's will for my life?
- Is this person willing to be obedient to Gods will in everything?
- Will this relationship bring glory to God

God loves you....
Happy Sunday

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